
Showing posts from June 23, 2013

CRS-3 RommonA upgrade issues

First of all if you try to upgrade rommonA there is no option for rommonA in the FPD filed. upgrade hw-module fpd rommonA location 0/3/CPU0 Eventually you will get following Message and no rommonA upgrade will occur . No lc rommonA on location 0/3/CPU0 need upgrade at this time. you have to force the rommanA upgrade to occur . Following is the command to upgrade the one line card. upgrade hw-module fpd rommonA force location 0/3/CPU0 Starting the upgrade/download of following FPD: =========== ==== ======= ======= =========== =========                                    Current    Upg/Dng Location    Type Subtype Upg/Dng   Version    Version =========== ==== ======= ======= =========== ========= 0/3/CPU0    lc   romm...