
Showing posts from May 8, 2011

Connecting Mikrotik in GNS3

Attaching Mirkotik x86 to GNS3. its quite easy anyway in ubuntu you need the qemu multicast patch , you can download qemu v13 patch ( and Qemu source ( please check the following post to how to patch the qemu. ( Installation requires Mikrotik x86 version( and qemu image which can be created as follows qemu-img create -f raw mtik.img 128M In GNS3 please check whether qemuwrapper working properly ( you need to copy 2 python files distributed with GNS3) -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 868374 2011-05-08 09:22 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 34162 2011-05-08 09:21 if all are setup you can create the qemu host as follows. If you want to connect through winbox please follow the following post to create the tap interface :