Cost Effective 1 Port Terminal Server Rs232 using mikrotik / 3G

out of band management is critical for the network operation. when searching solution for console access through rs232 and 3G i came across Mikrotik serial connection option. I haven't tested the 3G setup yet but quite impressive options available in 79$ Mikrotik router for RS232 access:
1st have to set the baud-rate and similar settings :

[admin@Console_Tik] > port export            
# jan/02/1970 00:32:05 by RouterOS 5.5
# software id = WE49-11I9
set 0 baud-rate=9600 data-bits=8 flow-control=none name=serial0 parity=none \
/port firmware
set directory=firmware
[admin@Console_Tik] > 

2nd if we are using for console access we need to disable the console port option on mikrotik as follows :
[admin@Console_Tik] > system console print 
Flags: X - disabled, U - used, F - free 
#   PORT                                   TERM                                 
0 X serial0                                vt102    

From mikrotik we can directly access the console port of cisco as follows :

[admin@Console_Tik] > system serial-terminal serial0    
[Ctrl-A is the prefix key]

or we can create separ te user account and divert the user directly to the serial access :
1) have to create separate user account :
[admin@Console_Tik] > u er print 
Flags: X - disabled 
#   NAME         GROUP        ADDRESS                                           
0   ;;; system default user
admin        fullZ       
1   terminal     full        

2) have to assign the user to the spcial-login option
admin@Console_Tik] > special-login print   
Flags: X - disabled 
#   USER                                      PORT                              
0   terminal                                  serial0   

if we telnet using the special user account directly redirected to serial access : 

MikroTik v5.5
Login: terminal

[Ctrl-A is the prefix key]



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